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개인정보취급방침The difference in the raw materials makes the product class.
Aroma Newtech started in 2000.
We will continue to grow through challenges and innovation.2017. 06ISO22716 (GMP) Certification
2016. 09ISO9001, ISO14001 3rd Extension Certification
2016. 08Three-time extension certification for management innovation small and medium business (MAIN-BIZ)
2016. 06Promising Export Firm
2016. 04IP Star Company of Chungnam Bukbu Chamber of Commerce and Industry
2015. 12President of the Million Dollar Export Tower on the 52nd Trade Day
Citation by Yoon Sang-jik, Minister of Trade, Industry and Energy
2015. 08Acquired 12 kinds of trademark registration certificate
2015. 0710 kinds of Chinese hygiene permits (CFAD)
2015. 05Membership of Korea Standard Chamber of Commerce
2014. 04Corporate Research Institute
2013. 12Asan Market Bokiwang Citation
2013. 09ISO 140001 Two-time Extension Certification
ISO 9001 Two-time Extension Certification
2013. 06Registration certificate for cosmetics manufacturing and sales
2013. 01Certificate of registration for cosmetic manufacturing
2011. 12Citation from Hee-jung Ahn, Governor of Chungcheongnam-do
2000. 07Selected as Minister of Commerce, Industry and Energy New Technology
2000. 03Registered Aroma Newtech Co., Ltd.
2001. 01Cosmetic manufacturing declaration