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개인정보취급방침The difference in the raw materials makes the product class.
Specially made for Asian women
Natural quality is an unchanging law that has always been pursued by the members of the company. We have worked hard to produce excellent Korean skin care cosmetics, created a market different from the ordinary cosmetics market and has a strength in the blank market of skin care.
Brand story
FUYUAN, Stick to the source of water “The source of true beauty is skin”
This is a skin care brand based on Korea's finest hot spring water (Dogo Hot Spring). We combine R&D with modern science and technology to produce natural and high-quality products while spreading natural and healthy skin care beliefs to more women. Now, it is growing with new skills of Asian skin care industry.
Oriental material
Natural herbal medicine gives natural beauty
In order to inherit the beauty of nature since the days of Korean ancestors, we have eliminated artificial beauty and added herbal medicines that fit Asian constitutions to reduce skin problems to the maximum.
Technical research and production capacity
Product Research and Development of University Oriental Medicine Hospital and Hoseo University Research Laboratory Using Asan Hot Water
FUYUAN products
"FUYUAN" is a product developed based on fermentation science using Asan Onsen and Chinese herbal materials.