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개인정보취급방침The difference in the raw materials makes the product class.
It is characterized by a young modern sensation and European-style product design. The three fragrance lines not only provide skin care but also provide effects such as physical and mental stability and a change of mind.
J'AROMA Brand Story
It contains natural extracts and natural essential oils of Korea's best Dogo Onsen rich in natural minerals and sulfur.
*Especially contains natural essential oils and can be applied to different skin types. Using aroma to feel the effect of aromatherapy can bring a synergistic effect of using the product.
Development of Aromatherapy Products
J'AROMA product line
This product contains Dogo hot spring water which is oriental 4 major hot spring as well as Argan oil and Rose essential which are excellent in anti-aging and antioxidant effect and helps to care tired skin to be moist and resilient. In addition, it maintains the moisture of the skin for long and provides your skin bright and radiant containing cucumber extract and cactus extract which are excellent in natural moisturizing effect, Phellinus linteus which has a whitening effect.
Dual-phase Aroma oil is a very convenient product developed for the busy modern people, you can have 3 effects such as toner, milk lotion and perfume only by using one product. After washing face or when needed, if you use on the face and neck evenly as massaging, it provide your skin moist and shiny with superior moisturizing effect for all day long.
Don’t be amazed! When this BB Cream is used after basic makeup, you can experience 5 kinds of amazing effect.
This produce is an advanced sub-acid liquid soap without using general soap ingredient and maintains the skin moist for long without dryness even after use containing natural moisturizing ingredient such as vegetable glycerin, Eco Cert certified AGP and Hyaluronic acid etc.
Forms hot spring waterdrop when rubbed as massaging gently containing oriental best hot spring water and the medicinal herbs of an ancient royal secret method and provides your skin smooth and moist by being absorbed on the skin smoothly.
This natural mosquito repellant only contains natural essential oils such as citronella, peppermint, Geranium etc. with no pesticides (DEET). It is safe enough for infants and young children.