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개인정보취급방침The difference in the raw materials makes the product class.
“Ongoong” is the first hot spring brand in Japan that uses Onyang, Dogo hot spring water to look for skin health from water, which is the foundation of skin beauty.
Story of hot springs
A long time ago, in order to maintain healthy and youthful skin, King of Korea liked Dogo Hot Spring, which is located in Asan, Chungnam, and is rich in natural minerals and sulfur. In addition, in order to maintain health, the King of the Joseon Dynasty and his family put Korean herbal extracts that have been passed down to the royal family into hot spring water and enjoy the hot springs.
In particular, the Dogo hot spring water used in our ‘Ongoong' product line is the Toyo Four One of the sulfur hot springs is Korea's largest weak alkaline sulfur hot spring.Dogo hot spring water has sulfur content above 30mg per 1kg. It is the largest sulfur hot spring in South Korea. It is a weak alkali, weak salt spring hot spring, such as the strong sulfur smell of rotting eggs. The main ingredient is 8.7% hydrogen ion concentration.
It also contains solid residues, silicic acid, sodium, calcium, magnesium, and fulvic acid ions. It is effective for skin diseases and rheumatism, arteriosclerosis, diabetes, chronic bronchitis, constipation, and sequelae of trauma There are special effects. It also has special effects on stomach diseases and is known as a spring. It can help various chronic diseases. With the help of sulfur disinfection, it can quickly heal skin wounds.
Oriental material
In order to reproduce the efficacy of the royal court method of Joseon Dynasty based on the historical evidence, we use herbal medicines that have been developed through long-term clinical experiments at Oriental Hospital.
Soothes sensitive skin and makes skin smooth
Makes skin hydrated and healthy
Lightens skin and brightens skin
Moisturizes and regulates the skin
Revitalizes sensitive and dry skin
Ongoong products
“Ongoong” is a product using hot spring water (Onyang, Dogo Hot Spring) jointly researched and developed by Asan City and Daejeon University Oriental Medicine Hospital.